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StayDry Centers

In The News

In The News – Emsella Incontinence Treatment

The Emsella chair by BTL is all over the news right now. TV, magazines, newspapers and social media. Bladder leakage is a subject that so many people don’t talk about, but affects millions. BTL and Stay Dry Med Centers are shining a light on this important issue that affects so many. Enjoy this small sample of television features on this breakthrough technology for bladder leakage and incontinence.  Stay Dry Med Centers is the expert in offering the Emsella treatment.    

emsella appointment

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To schedule a Free Emsella Consult call 1-844-379-2368 or complete the form below.

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Call 1-844-379-2368 to schedule a Free Emsella Consult or complete the form below to book online.